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About Visit Skåne

Visit Skåne AB is Skåne's regional destination company owned by Region Skåne Holding AB. Our mission is to promote balanced and sustainable growth in Skåne's hospitality, event, and conference industry.

We do this through destination and place development, international marketing of Skåne, cross-sectoral innovation, knowledge sharing, and attracting events, conferences, exhibitions, and trade fairs.
Most of our work is done in collaboration with others to achieve the greatest possible impact. We cooperate with municipalities, within the region, nationally, and also internationally in networks, partnerships, or large collaborative projects.

Vision and Purpose Driven Company

Tourism and events can contribute more positive effects to a place than just economic ones. We are certain that tourism can be used as a positive force in addressing our societal challenges. Our strategic roadmap towards 2030 states exactly this - that tourism should play a role for the place and the people who live there. Tourism and the hospitality industry bring people together and closer to one another.
A place that is attractive for people to live in also becomes attractive to visit, but the reverse is not necessarily true. That's why it's so important to care for and develop the place from the local population's perspective, which implies a different type of responsibility for all those working with a destination. We have moved from traditional destination marketing to sustainable place and destination development, where we work both strategically and operationally with development through events, food and drink, nature tourism, and more. 

In our work with events and meetings, legacy is perhaps the most important goal. Legacy can be explained as the effects that remain after an event has taken place and gives the most back to the place in the long term. It's no longer just about filling hotels and facilities, although the economic effects of course still have great significance. The long-term effects can be knowledge, network building, or a positive memory that lives on and leads to increased interest in a particular activity, which in turn secures continuity and positively affects public health. It's about maximizing the value of each event and meeting. This is strategic work and permeates the entire process. Here too, we see that we can use events as a lever and tool to achieve long-term sustainable development goals and leave positive impacts.

What do we do?

Using our strategic roadmap and vision as a guide, we create the conditions for tourism to contribute to a better society, where visitors feel welcomed, show consideration and take responsibility. We work towards increased innovation power and building a strong Skåne brand, Skåne - Where Tourism Matters.

Page updated 10 Feb 2025, at 09:23