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Tourism Matters

In Skåne, we've committed to working together to ensure tourism plays a key role in shaping a sustainable future within a caring and welcoming world.

We’re traveling more than ever, discovering new places and creating memories. Tourism ranks as the world’s third-largest export industry and has the power to bring positive change to regions and countries. It bridges divides and encourages global understanding.

However, if not managed properly, tourism can strain the places visited. In Skåne, we choose to view tourism as a vital and powerful tool in building a sustainable society for the future. We recognize its contributions to society through increased employment, revenue, and crucial tax income. But we're not stopping there—we aim to achieve more and reach further! We must ensure that tourism is part of the solution to global challenges.

To succeed, we all need to pull in the same direction. That's why we've developed Tourism Matters! A Strategic Roadmap for Skåne Towards 2030. The work behind this initiative includes a comprehensive analysis of global trends and the external environment.