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About Visit Skåne

The regional Destination Management Organisation

Visit Skåne is Skåne's regional Destination Management Organization (DMO). We coordinate marketing and destination development for sustainable growth in Skåne. Our perspective is both national and international, and we strive to be future- and business intelligence oriented to create value for the Tourism Industry.

We build a resilient tourism industry and a strong brand för Skåne in cooperation with other stakeholders.

As a DMO, our main actions include spreading of knowledge, marketing, innovation and destination development. Our efforts lead to a more balanced and sustainable growth for Skåne. 

Tourism in Skåne AB is owned by Region Skåne Holding group. Our offices are situated in ”Regionhuset” in Malmö.

Our vision: Skåne – where tourism matters!

In 2020, together with local municipalities, we outlined strategic goals for 2030. This roadmap is fundamental to our efforts and vision as an organization: Skåne – where Tourism Matters!

  • Tourism makes a difference to society. It brings greater employment, growth, and tax revenues that pay for services. 
  • Tourism is the world’s third largest export industry and creates the economic conditions for people to live better lives.
  • Tourism increases understanding between people, but it can also put a strain on places when too many people visit.

For us in Skåne, it’s all about working towards a sustainable future – being part of a caring and welcoming world.  But we won’t stop there! We want to do more and reach further! When we all work in the same direction, we can help solve global challenges.

Simply put, we have to make sure that tourism is not part of the problem, but rather a part of the solution.

Our strategical responsibility for the destination

Tourism is not a single phenomenon. Visitors are affecting the place and the people living there. This can create possibilities, but also cause challenges.

Tourism has the potential to increase the quality of life for the residents and also has a positive impact on the attraction for business establishments and makes a location more attractive for visitors and residents. But to make a true contribution and a positive impact, tourism needs some planning and integration in the building of the society.

This is where Visit Skåne, as a DMO plays an important role. A DMO has the strategical responsibility to coordinate actions on all levels, and make sure that different actors move in the same direction towards the outlined goals.

In working for a sustainable tourism industry, innovation has become a core part of our business. Innovation is important because we want to ensure that Skåne is a destination where tourism is part of the solution for the challenges we face in the society, not only today, but in the future. 

Sidan uppdaterad 02 jun 2023, kl 10:37